“Is Money the Root of All Evil?

Last night, I attended the dinner reception and poker tournament hosted at the St. Regis hotel in NYC by the Students For Liberty (SFL). It was a great event. More important, there are many highly intelligent, sincere students who attend SFL conferences around the...

MoTown Showdown

On Saturday, September 20, I will do a lecture and extended question and answer session on the philosophic principles embodied by Ayn Rand’s brilliantly etched characters in The Fountainhead. Numerous members of my Objectivist family–Robert Begley, Amy...

Aristotle Versus Religion

Excerpts from my article on “Aristotle and Religion” published in The Objective Standard, Vol. 9, No. 1: Careful observation of history reveals two dramatically different approaches to life on earth. In one approach, we see Islamic jihadists perpetrating...

Lecture for Constitution Week NYC 2014

This Saturday, September 13, I will lecture in NYC regarding the moral right and practical benefits of honest men owning guns. This talk in support of 2nd Amendment rights is part of an all-day event celebrating the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. My good...

Objectively Speaking: Every Tuesday 8-9PM ET

Exciting news. I will co-host–with my very good friend and colleague, Arshak Benlian–a new show on BlogTalkRadio, entitled “Objectively Speaking.” It will air every Tuesday evening from 8 until 9 pm est, starting on Tuesday July 30th. We will...

Dr. Bernstein at the Oslo Objectivist Conference 2012

Dr. Bernstein will be speaking at the Oslo Objectivist Conference 2012, which will take place the weekend of the 19th and 20th of May. He will be giving two talks described below.Andrew Bernstein, “Capitalist Solutions to Contemporary Moral Problems”The United States,...