In a year or two, I will publish a collection of my essays. This one, “Great Islamic Thinkers Versus Islam,” will definitely be included. It was published in the Winter 2012 issue of “The Objective Standard” and it describes the achievements of many Arab and Persian physicians, mathematicians, astronomers, Aristotle scholars, and poets. The Golden Age of Islam, from roughly 800 to1200 AD, was real and intellectually glorious.

Unfortunately, it was killed by orthodox Islam and the religious fanatics burned the books of many great minds. It was a faith versus reason culture war–and, tragically, the bad guys won.

The Arab-Islamic world has been in a Dark Age for roughly 800 years. Can it (hopefully) go through Renaissance and Enlightenment periods?

There are no signs of it yet; but human beings have free will, and it is certainly possible.

Can we translate “Atlas Shrugged” into every language of the Arab-Islamic world and, for centuries if necessary, air drop thousands and thousands and thousands of copies into the Islamic nations?

This is a venture of global philosophic education to which I would gladly contribute.

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