The Demise of Harvard
On behalf of the Ayn Rand Institute, I lectured at Harvard University eight or nine times (I can’t remember the exact number) in the 1990s and early 2000s. The topics varied from “Rational Egoism in The Fountainhead” to “The Mind as Hero in Atlas Shrugged” to lectures...
The Education Cancer and Its Cure
Here is my talk from LevelUp Conference in Phoenix last June. In forty minutes I showed the causes of our school system's dismal failure and briefly discussed the road to educational renaissance in America. The talk is based on my 2022 book, "Why Johnny Still Can't...
A Radio Interview The Education Guy Did With David Leonard
Radio interview regarding education with David Leonard.
Will the Continuing Decline of the American Education System Lead to a Society of Illiterates?
Here's an excellent interview The Education Guy did with Dr. John Huber on the collapse of the US education system. Listen to "Will the Continuing Decline of U.S. Education Lead to a Society of Illiterates?" on Spreaker.
Interview With the Rucka Rucka Ali On Education
A Video Interview With the Inimitable Rucka Rucka Ali Discussing Education and Much More.
Is There a Cure for the Collapse of the U.S. Education System?
The contrast between our alternative educational futures is stark: Phonics, academic training, and a nation of literate, knowledgeable citizens–or rejection of phonics, severely diluted academics, and a nation of semi-illiterate ignoramuses.
Heroes and Villains in American Education
American education is a catastrophe. The evidence supporting this conclusion is overwhelming and has been for decades.
How To Be An Impassioned Valuer
Are there techniques to enhance one’s capacity to value, and consequently bring into one’s life increased passion, meaning, purpose?