NYOS Conference Offering Student Discounts

The NYOS conference November 4-6, is offering a group discount: four people may register for the price of three. NYOS is also offering a 50% discount to students, at the low price of $300 for the entire conference. This is going to be a great event celebrating the...

The Olympics Represent the Best of Western Civilization

By Andrew Bernstein The return of the Olympic Games to the country of their birth is an appropriate reminder of their deeper meaning. The Ancient Greeks founded the games because they valued the spectacle of a great athlete striving for victory. But the veneration of...

Capitalism Is the Cure for Africa’s Problems

By Andrew Bernstein A specter is haunting Africa–the specter of starvation. At least 2.5 million Zambians currently face famine, as do millions more across southern Africa–in Lesotho, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The United Nations estimates that more than 14...

In Defense of the Cowboy

By Andrew Bernstein Those who oppose war with Iraq–from foreign heads of state to homegrown antiwar protesters–employ a common expression of contempt for the American war effort. America, they sneer, is acting like a “cowboy.” A mock interview...