Oct 15, 2011 | Events, Objectivism
CapMag TV has just posted a video by Andrew Bernstein on why you should attend the NYOS Objectivist conference.Oct 8, 2011 | Capitalism, Events
Andrew Bernstein will be presenting his lecture “Global Capitalism: The Solution to World Poverty and Oppression” at Virginia Tech on Tuesday, October 11 at 7:00pm in the Pamplin Hall, Room 30 [map].Sep 29, 2011 | Articles, Capitalism
By Andrew Bernstein A proper understanding of capitalism is sorely lacking today. In order to gain such understanding, it is best to start with a true story that captures the spirit and sense of life of capitalism. Then it is possible to extract the deeper principles...Aug 16, 2011 | Ayn Rand, Events, Objectivism
An intellectual nourishment for the soul of an Objectivist the New York Objectivist Society 2011 Conference will raise money for Ayn Rand Institute and connect Objectivists who might not otherwise have crossed paths in the greatest city on earth. The conference will...