Effective Defense of Innocent Lives Requires Gun Ownership By Honest Persons
Introduction The atrocities in our schools must be ended. It is unconscionable that we do not take the actions necessary to save the innocent lives murdered by cold-blooded, gun-slinging psychopaths. There is a way to terminate these campus bloodbaths and to lower...How To Be An Impassioned Valuer
Ayn Rand has shown us that personally-cherished values—whether involving education, career, romantic love, family, friendship, and/or others—are the meaning of life. Are there techniques to enhance one’s capacity to value, and consequently bring into one’s life...
Read an excerpt from A Dearth of Eagles
Click here to read an excerpt from A Dearth of Eagles over at The New Romanticist. A Dearth of Eagles is about a Bulgarian emigre in NYC in 1988, a writer, who simultaneously battles the Bulgarian secret police to smuggle dissidents to freedom from behind the Iron...
Great Islamic Thinkers vs. Islam
“During its Golden Age, the Muslim world, in the arts and sciences, conducted a love affair with the Greek method of observation-based rationality; but—because such method applied to life’s most fundamental questions threatened religious beliefs—could not, and,...Video: The Heroes of Capitalism (OCON 2016)
Prior to the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain during the late 18th century, abysmal poverty was prevalent the world over, including in Britain. With the Industrial Revolution, conditions began to dramatically improve, first in Britain, then in Western Europe,...Andrew Bernstein to Speak in Nassau Bahamas on The Moral Basis of Capitalism
Black Innovators and Entrepreneurs Under Capitalism
That innovative black Americans flourished in late 19th- and early 20th-century America is a little-known part of our heritage. This talk by Andrew Bernstein celebrates a number of great minds — including Madame C.J. Walker, the first self-made female...
The Enduring Positive Legacy of Aristotle – Aristotle Versus Religion (7 of 7)
The Enduring Positive Legacy of Aristotle In one of history’s great and tragic ironies, in the late Middle Ages Aristotle became the patron Greek philosopher of the Catholic Church. Many of that era’s thinkers, the Scholastics, were Christian Aristotelians. But a...