Dominique Francon: Ayn Rand’s Profoundly Misunderstood Heroine
I fell in love with Dominique Francon when I was sixteen years old. Her idealism–her impassioned love for man at his highest and best–even more than her beauty and trenchant intelligence captured my spirit. To this day, she is my favorite literary heroine....The Education Cancer and Its Cure
Here is my talk from LevelUp Conference in Phoenix last June. In forty minutes I showed the causes of our school system’s dismal failure and briefly discussed the road to educational renaissance in America. The talk is based on my 2022 book, “Why Johnny...
Is The Left Still More Evil than Religious Conservatives?
In a follow-up to The Left is Vastly More Evil than Religious Conservatives, Andrew Bernstein observes that, “now that some conservatives seek to execute a woman for having an abortion, Objectivist friends of mine ask me: Do you still think that leftists are...
Would Your Heroes Admire You?
American cartoonist Bosch Fawstin has risked his life to promote freedom of speech. Not only was he inspired by heroes throughout his life, but he created his own superhero, Pigman. In this episode, he poses the question, “Would your heroes admire...
What’s Killing Education? Dr. Andrew Bernstein’s Shocking Revelations
In this episode, we talk about Dr. Andrew Bernstein’s book Why Johnny Still Can’t Read or Write or Understand Math: And What We Can Do About...Reckoning: Race War Comes To America
I have long feared the US will be pushed into the horrors of race war. For more than ten years, I have worked on a novel dramatizing the grim theme of color-blind individualism versus racism. It is done. Its title is “Reckoning.” I have found a publisher,...
The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World
Catherine Nixey’s book “The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World” is very good. First, it shows that the Roman persecution of Christians, although real, has been significantly exaggerated by Christian writers. Second and more important, it...