Capitalism in One Lesson
My new essay on capitalism is titled “Capitalism Is the Only Practical System Because It Is the Only Moral System.” It shows in terms of history, economics, morality, and underlying philosophy that, how, and why capitalism is the political-economic system...
Course: How to Get More out of Great Movies, Take 2
Enhance your ability to assess and enjoy films by sharpening your skills in analyzing characters, plot, and acting. 9 hours total | 6 sessions, beginning February 29, 2024 Soul-fueling films have been produced in all genres and eras of movie-making, but many of the...
Tolstoy: “The Death of Ivan Ilych”, “The Kreutzer Sonata”, and “Master and Man”
In my copious spare time, I continue to immerse myself in my favorite field—literature. Most recently: Tolstoy. I am still not man enough to make it through “War and Peace”. I have tried at three separate stages of my life and I have not yet made it past...
Happy Rand’s Day
Happy Rand’s Day! It is the 119th anniversary of the birth of Ayn Rand, the greatest novelist in world literature, the second most outstanding philosopher after Aristotle, and the leading modern figure in the fight for a culture of reason and a politics of...Real Life Heroes
Unveiling the Layers: American Racism and the Power of Individualism
Michael Liebowitz recently interviewed me on his “Rational Egoist” podcast. The topic was the ominous resurgence of racism in America–and what we can do about it. It is based on my recent booklet, “American Racism: Its Decline, Its Baleful...Evil: An Inquiry Into the Nature of Iniquity
It is a new year. It is finally time for me to turn to the project I have long promised: to write a book on the nature of evil. Given the catastrophic destruction wrought by evil men both historically and currently, it is astonishing how little has been written on...Students for Liberty Lectures
The philosophic education of mega-bright Students For Liberty kids all over the world continues. Today, via Zoom, I lectured on Hume and Kant. In three weeks, live in DC, I will speak to them regarding Hegel, Marx, the Post-Modernists, and Ayn Rand. I will give a...