Aristotle Versus Religion (1 of 7)

Aristotle Versus Religion (1 of 7)

Careful observation of history reveals two dramatically different approaches to life on earth. In one approach, we see Islamic jihadists perpetrating murderous terrorist assaults around the world, virtually daily. The attack on 9/11 is the worst Islamist atrocity to...

OCON 2005 Lectures and Panels

This year’s Objectivist Summer Conference 2015 in Charlotte, North Carolina features and outstanding lineup of talks and lecturers, including the return of some of our favorite lecturers. From Objectivist Summer Conference 2015 – Talks and PanelsAndrew...

Andrew Bernstein at Objectivist Summer Conference 2015

I am giving 2 lectures at Objectivist Summer Conference 2015 this summer in Charlotte, North Carolina! The conference runs from July 4 through July 9. One is on “Black Innovators and Entrepreneurs Under Capitalism,” describing the achievements of such...

NYC Lectures

Economist Keith Weiner and I will lecture in NYC on Saturday afternoon, November 1st. I will speak on the moral superiority of capitalism to other political-economic systems–and Keith regarding the great virtues and benefits of gold-based money. Robert Begley,...

Constitution Event

The event to understand, better appreciate, and celebrate the U.S. Constitution in NYC yesterday went very well. I spoke on “The Moral and Practical Case for Second Amendment Rights”–sold and signed books, networked, and spent the day with an...