Dr. Bernstein will be speaking at the Oslo Objectivist Conference 2012, which will take place the weekend of the 19th and 20th of May. He will be giving two talks described below.
Andrew Bernstein, “Capitalist Solutions to Contemporary Moral Problems”
The United States, and the semi-free world, face grave moral problems. For example, the dangers of terrorism spawned by Islamic Totalitarianism are manifest. The environmentalist charges of man-made global warming must be rationally addressed. The cost, quality, and availability of medical care is a serious concern. How is Western Civilization to resolve these—and other—dilemmas? Ayn Rand showed that the moral is the practical. This talk, based on Andrew Bernstein’s book, Capitalist Solutions, demonstrates, on issue after issue, that only the principles of individual rights and free markets, consistently applied, resolve—both morally and practically—all the major moral problems currently confronting mankind.
Andrew Bernstein, “Villainy—An Analysis of the Nature of Evil”
Criminals victimize honest men. Religion coerces rational men to surrender their minds to faith. Collectivism enslaves an individual to the state. These are three primary forms that evil takes. What is the moral theory that makes possible the rise and continued existence of evil? What is the underlying philosophic theory that, if held by men, makes evil inevitable? Is one of these three forms of evil more virulent than the other two – and, if so, why? What must rational men do to protect themselves against evil in any of its hideous iterations? Finally, what must good men do to protect an optimistic, value-laden benevolent universe premise in the face of evil’s ubiquity and destructive power in the modern world?
The conference requires registration, and one can sign up either for one of the days or for both. A limited number of scholarships are available, intended for those 22 years or younger, giving a substantial discount on the registration fee. Those interested in applying should send a brief CV and a statement of why you deserve to be given the scholarship (in English or Norwegian). Recipients may be asked to fulfill a few tasks during the conference.
There will be a couple of free events on Friday the 18th. More information on these will be made available soon. The conference is organized by Foreningen for Studium av Objektivismen (The Norwegian Objectivist Association).